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Bill's three chess games.

Once upon a time there was a boy named bill. bill was a very good chess player. Today he went to a chess tournament. He had three games and won them all. His first game started with e4, e5, Nf3, Nc6, and Bc4 for a simple Italian game. After that the game went on with Nf6 the two nights defence. Bill responded with Ng5 double attacking the f5 squere and  the game went on with d5, exd5, Nxe5, and Nxf7 for a fried liver attack. Then it went on with Kxf7 Qf3+, Kg8, Qxd5+, Qxd5, Bxd5#. a very well  played game by bill.
  Bill's second game he was black. The game started out with e4, e5, Nf3, Nc6, Bc4, and Nf6. Exactly what happened in the first game he played. The game went on with Ng5, and Bc5. Bill had already analyzed this so he knew what he was doing. Anyway the game went on with Nxf7 and bill ignored it with Bxf2+. Black responded with Kxf2 and the game wen on with Nxe4+, Ke3, Qh4, Nxh8, and the rest bill calculated and the rest was forced was forced, with Qf4+, Ke2 (Kd3 is responded with Nb4#), Qf2+, Kd3 and this time Nb4+ does not work because the queen is not defending the king so bill played Nd5+, and Kc3 is forced. bill finally finished the game with Qd4#. This is why you should not play the night attack if you don't know how to defend this counter attack witch bill does know

    Bill's last game was his favorite one because he got to play his favorite trap. Bill was black again but he was fine with that. As usual the game started out with e4, e5, Nf3, Nc6, but this time white played Bb5 instead of Bf4. Bill payed Nf6 as usual, and whit played o-o. Most people shouldn't give there bishop for a night because then black has a strong bishop pair. This is where the trap started when bill played Ng4 and white played h3. The game went on with h5, hxg4, hxg4, and Ne1. Now the threat is clear. It is the rook attacking the open fill next to the king. white played Nc3 not really knowing what to do. The game went on with Qh4 threatening checkmate, f3 creating space for the king to run away, and white played g3. In this position white resigned because there is no way that white can stop Qh2#, and Qh1#. So those where bill's three games and I hope you enjoy reading this. 


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