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My Day

   My day was fine. My mom woke me and my brother Justin. Justin woke up but I did not. I just went back to sleep. Soon Justin came to my room and was telling me how messy my room was. Then he was saying how everything was sideways and I was sideways man. It was really annoying. I tried to sleep but Justin kept on trying to wake me up. So I got up.

   After Justin was trying to get me up  I decided to go downstairs. when I was going downstairs y mom asked me what I said I was going to do. I thought for a moment and then said "Portuguese". I was right. So I went to do some of my Portuguese. the Portuguese were some stuff that I and Justin needed to write down. First, we would read this book and then do some things on a piece of the printed paper that our mom wrote down. I did a little bit but did not finish.

  After that, I put the piece of paper and my pen away. I got up and got a fruit by the foot. It is like candy-like food. I ate it pretty fast and Then had some raw milk. It was tasty. Justin came down and went into the sunroom. Then he came out. Then I said I wanted to do Inkscape. But then Justin said he was about to call our grandpa. So a little unhappy I went outside and RipSticked around the driveway for a really long time. 

  After I think a couple hours later my mom's boyfriend Tom and his daughter Elena came over. I said hi to them. Then Tom went to his motorcycle and asked "how is it doing". I said, "I don't know. All I know is that no one has touched it since the last time you rode it".  Then he said "It might not be in writing shape. then Justin came outside and we all sat around a little bit. me and Justin RipSticked. 

  After a little bit, Tom asked me and Justin if we could teach Elena how to RipStick. Then Justin brought up how he learned to RipStick (we both learned the same way but he said he not us). It was just using two trash cans to hold and ride around. Then going back and forth from something to something. She only got to the trash cans. The hardest part for her was just getting on. Tom tried to but he could not do it. 

  After trying a bunch of times we tried to teach her the pogo stick. First Tom told Elena how to get on and what to do after you get on. He said after you get the hang of it it is pretty easy. Plus it was a lot easier than the Ripstick. I agreed with him. I was good at the pogo stick. Elena did well. She didn't get many bounces but she was getting the hang of it. Then in the middle, my mom came out. and watched. Then they tried the Rip Stick again. It was no better than last time.     

  After that, we went on a hike. We turned right from our driveway facing away from our house. Me and Justin were Ripsticking and Elena was riding a bicycle. Then we went down the street and crossed the road. My mom got there first, me second, Justin third, Elena and tom fourth. Then we went down a big hill and turned left. Me and Elena went too far and passed where we were going to turn. So we had to turn back. We went down another big hill. But it was super-duper bumpy where the last one was nice and flat. 

  After going down The really bumpy hill it was flat but it was still really bumpy though I went to a parking lot next to the bumpy road. soon the parking lot ended and I had to go back to the bumpy road Then I hit a crack. A huge crack. It had lots of rocks in it. And Ripsicks are not good on bumpy things and rocks. So I slipped and landed on my elbow. It was bleeding a little bit but I did not know. All I knew was it was scratched. 

  After I fell I asked Justin if he could hold my RipStick. With no response, Justin picked it up and carried it for me. My scratch stung a little bit but I tried my best to ignore it. A little bit after Justin was being annoying. he was saying what all the brawlers in brawl stars said. at first, it was annoying. But after a while it got annoying. By the way, brawl stars is a video game made by supercell. I told him to stop multiple times but he just wouldn't stop

  After like 30 minutes of trying to get Justin to shut up I decided to stop trying. I was still very annoyed. He kept on doing it making me angrier and angrier. Soon I just RipSticked ahead. After a little while, we went back home. We didn't go back home the way we came. We went a different way. It was like if we were walking in a weird circle. A couple minutes later we came to a park and stopped by. It was a park we have been to many times also it is very close. It was actually very close to our house. We spent a little bit of time there and went home.

  The rest of the day we just sat around. I stayed outside for a little bit when we got home. The end.


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