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My Day.

     Today was okay. first I woke up herd our mom telling my brother Justin to get off the computer and go outside because it was really nice. So hearing our mom say that I went outside to play in the front yard. Also, I had fruit by the foot outside. The color was red, and Justin's was red and yellow. anyway, we RipSticked around the driveway. Eventually, Justin started talking about how mom really didn't want me playing Minecraft, cause I was really addicted to it. It was getting annoying because I disagreed with him and thought that the only reason that mom wouldn't want me to do it is that my brain was still developing. so when he went inside to get something I ran to the right side of the house.

    Eventually, Justin found me there and said I was really mean. So I decided just to go back to the front. Soon Justin went inside to get something else I ran to the left side of the house again. This time Justin didn't find me there. Eventually, I went in the front, and Justin was angry about something. He said that our mom said that he was my slave. the reason I went back to the front cause a heard a banging of something like someone actually was banging a pogo stick on the ground witch made me want to go to the front and pogo stick. Turned out that Justin was banging the pogo stick on the ground. He was angry for some reason. He said that our mom said that he was my slave, and I could do whatever I wanted. I had no idea what he was talking about and just ignored him. 

       Justin was talking a. bout a lot of things. I just ignored them. Soon Justin said he was trying to act normal, and not cool at school. He said that he noticed that he acted way different at school then home. He thought that he tried to act a little cool, and said to me to tell him if he was acting cool and then he would like it. I told him he was acting kind of acting cool just. Then Justin asked me why. I told him he was just acting kind of cool. I don't know why but then Justin went to the door, and then said "I guess I will just go inside and tell myself how stupid I am". I just had a simple response "OK".  

        Soon I went inside. Justin's room door was shut probably because Justin was mad. Then I went downstairs, and I saw my food was ready. It was a veggie burger, 1 and 1/2 pieces of bacon, and some carrots with hummus then I heard our mom shouting Justin's name. I shouted his name to thinking that she wanted something from him. he didn't respond so mom told me to go find him and tell him his food was ready. I found him in his room. At first, Justin couldn't hear me when I tried to tell him when I was outside the door so I had to go inside his room to tell him. I told him that he had a veggie burger, 1 and 1/2 pieces of big bacon. 

        After a long time of sitting down, and doing nothing I decided to go outside. Soon I went inside and saw Justin just finish eating. Justin seemed to be in a better mood. After I while mom told us that I needed to get ready for soccer practice, and jujitsu. I found my soccer stuff in a drawer and my jujitsu stuff in the car. I put my soccer stuff and a water bottle. Then we went to jujitsu. I had jujitsu first. We started the class with a warm-up. We ran around the mats a bunch of times. Soon we were finished with the warm-up. Then we did a bunch of super-duper boring moves that I already knew. and that was the end of the jujitsu c

         After a while, we were at soccer practice. It was pretty boring. First, we did a super boring drill. Then we scrimmaged a different soccer team. You would think it was fun but it was not because we scrimmaged them every single practice! Also because a bunch of people whined about how they pushed people and they didn't get foals for it. Also, someone kicked the soccer ball in the forest next to the soccer field. It wasn't that far in but it was in a bunch of burrs. I had to go fetch it and it was pretty annoying. I got the ball but after I was covered in burrs and my back really itched. When practice was over I was pretty happy because it really sucked, also because my shirt was itchy, and I could take it off in the car. 

       When I got home mom said that Justin stank. after that, we went downstairs and sat on the couch. After a while, I wanted to do my blog but I did not know what to do. I thought I thought, and I thought but I couldn't think of what to do. Mom said that I could blog about what it would hell, and heaven look like, or what I would want to know 10 years later. I didn't want to do those things so I decided to think of something else. soon mom told me to do some math with my grandpa and then do my blog. So I did some math with grandpa, then I decided to just write about what my day was about. Then Justin started screen time and I took A shower. Then I joined Justin watching lord of the rings. And that was my day. 

                                                            The end         


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