Today I had a soccer game. It was really bad. that day we also had pictures before the soccer game. when we were going to wear our grey jerseys, and we were to bring our main jerseys our red ones for pictures. I only realized that I brought the wrong red jersey. I brought my red heat jersey! It was too late to turn around and get my other red jersey cause we would be late for the pictures anyway. One I got there there was only one other person that forgot their red jersey. So I just had to take my pictures with a grey jersey on.
Soon the soccer game finally started. turned out that the team we were facing was the team we faced every single practice we had. the only practices we did not face them was the very first practice. Knowing the game was going to be super boring because we faced them a million times I did not feel like trying as much. Anyway back to the game. My first position was my least favorite position witch was bench meaning out of the field on the sideline. Soon I was subbed in but I was subbed in my second to the least favorite position defense when the person I subbed in for went out of the field another defender told me to get number 27. Eventually, I was getting super bored so I started pretending to be an announcer. Soon I was subbed out and it was the end of the half.
The next half I was the goalie. Being goalie was a little more fun but it still was really really boring. soon in the second half, about 3/7 in the game the ball was kicked to me from a huge crowd. I didn't know who kicked it so I just kicked it to one of my teammates. then my defense was all telling I should have picked up the ball. I said I didn't want to because I did not know who kicked it, and I didn't want to get a foal. But then my defense said it isn't a foal to pick up the ball. I but know it was a foal because I have had foals for doing it. Then soon my defense was taking a goal kick and literally passed to the opponent. all three got on him but my defense sucked so he got passed them and scored. then they blamed it on me! Even though I could have blocked it, it's still their fault. They had more than 1 chance to block it. Also, who do you think is going to win 1. a strong kicker with a great shot, and just the right length to shot at 2. an OK goalie. while of course, it is number 2. The game ended 1-2. We lost
The end.
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