My day was fine. My day all started out when I was kinda asleep. I felt asleep but I felt like I could hear and notice things around my. I was expecting for my mom to come up and wake me up but she did not. I waited for her to come up but she never did. So soon I was fully asleep again. After a little bit my mom did come up to wake me up. I was waking up for another swimming lesson. The swimming lessons are fine. There are not easy or hard so I don't really have a opinion on it. Today went just as expected. We did some strokes, then did a little bit if diving and that was it. Then my mom and I just went back home. After that I do not really remember what I did. The only thing I remember was once and a while playing a little bit of chess or thinking of what to blog about. I did not really do that well on chess thou. and lost more then I won. Now I am going to talk a little bit more about chess. The problem was whenever I played a game everyone played weird moves...
These are some of my favorite traps in chess. The reason I like them a lot is because there are easy and easy to analyze. Anyway one of m favorites starts with e4, e5, Nf3, Nc6 and Bb5. this is a very normal opening. Then the came continues with Nf6, o-o, Ng4, h3, h5, hxg4, hxg4, Ne1, and Qh4, The threat is very clear now. The black queen is about to make checkmate on either h1, or h2. You could slow it down with f3 but black will just advance his pawn to g3 and there is no stopping Qh1# This next trap we are playing black again. As usual it starts out with e4, e5, Nf3, Nc6, but instead of Bb5 the bishop stops on c4! Why did he do it? Well you will find out soon. After Nf6 white plays Ng5 double attacking the weak f5 pawn, threatening a queen and rook fork, and protecting his pawn and there is no way good way you can stop this threat. Now you are going to find out why we let our enemy play that and you are about to see how we are going to defend it. Try to figu...